Garden-Gorgeous Wedding Bouquets
We're seeing an increase in floral arrangements with looser shapes, which add an elegant and romantic vibe. Pair lush blooms such as peonies and roses with smaller varieties of flowers such as sweet peas and nigella and sprigs of greenery. Soft, natural colors and textures make this style ideal for traditional celebrations and relaxed affairs alike. Check out more beautiful bridal bouquets ►
By: Stefania Sainato
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Plucked-from-the-Garden Appeal
Photo Credit: Julie Anne Photography, LLC / Floral Design: A Sister's Touch
Plucked-from-the-Garden Appeal
Photo Credit: Julie Anne Photography, LLC / Floral Design: 2000 A.D. Inc.
Plucked-from-the-Garden Appeal
Event Design: Sugar Branch Events / Photo Credit: Cami Jane Photography