"I can summarize my love for this Etsy shop in two words, really: SEED BOMBS. Seed bombs are hands-down the best wedding favor option to come along in decades. You can do candies or little sweets, or little trinkets with your initials and dates on them, but why not give your guests something to beautify (or yummify) their surroundings instead?
VisuaLingual gives you a ton of options — you can choose regional wildflower seed bombs for your yard, edible flowers or salad greens seed bombs, dog- and cat-friendly plants, you name it! You can also get your bomb bags customized with your names and wedding date (of course)."
— Dana LaRue, the creator of The Broke-Ass Bride and author of the forecoming The Broke-Ass Bride's Wedding Guide
Photo Credit: VisuaLingual