Wedding Budget Q&As

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Answers to who traditionally pays for what, who pays for whom, and other issues of wedding finances.

Q: Who distributes the welcome baskets, and how can I put these together without spending a fortune? 

A: Your welcome baskets need not be elaborate or pricey. Keep the contents simple: Include an itinerary of the weekend festivities, a map of the area, brochures on local attractions and a list of restaurants in the area (with phone numbers included), as well as a packet of tissues, candy, mints snacks or fruit. If your budget allows, include bottled water and keepsake votives. Finally, a message welcoming your family and friends to your wedding is a gracious personal touch.

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My question is: if renting a house for the brides family are we expected to pay for the grooms family? One 6 bedroom house will take care of our family, the grooms family would require another another 4 bedroom and then his attendants, or do they pay for their own????? Help! If I could get a response ASAP that would be awesome.