Unplugged Paradise

Error message

  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).
  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).
  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).
  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).
  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).
  • User warning: Invalid $info type: must be an array or object. in Database::parseConnectionInfo() (line 1650 of /var/www/html/docroot/includes/database/database.inc).

These gadget-free getaways will help you disconnect, while bringing the two of you closer.

Enjoy your honeymoon--don't let your BlackBerry and work emails drag you down. Instead, opt for a tech-free hotel with the promise of luxuriation.

Petit St. Vincent Resort

The only  hotel on a 113-acre private island, Petit St. Vincent in the Grenadines is a long way off from all things electronic: The resort's 22 cottages are wireless-and-tv free. Louv

Villa Amor

Kona Village Resort