5 Fun Engagement Celebration Ideas

Planning an engagement party for your newly-engaged daughter or son? Try one of these fun ideas!

Backyard BBQ

If laid-back fun is what the couple is all about, then a backyard BBQ is the way to go. Set up some tables decorated with natural elements, such as leaves, branches and flowers from the garden, and add candles to create a beautiful glow if the party goes on well after the sun sets. Or, for something a little more elaborate, pick a theme and go with it — a country hoedown, a beach party or even a carnival. Once you've set the mood, fire up the grill and cook up all your faves.

Have fun with your invitation — we love the old-time invite from minted.com (pictured second from left). As guests arrive, offer a cool glass of lemonade (second from right) — and yes, you can spike it! Don't forget to take advantage of the great outdoorts by incorporating your trees and plants as part of the decor. Plus, send guests home happy with a customizable bag full of delicious caramel corn (far left).

Photos courtesy Liz Banfield and Getrude & Mabel Photography

More Ideas:
Cocktail Party
Classic Brunch
Surprise Party
Traditional Family Dinner
