Wedding Budget
After the newly-engagement thrill tapers off, the enormity of planning a wedding settles in; specifically, "How are we going to pay for all of this?" It can be tough to know how to start socking away funds or, conversely, how to stay motivated. We went straight to the handiest resource we know — BG's Instagram followers — to get the money-saving lowdown.
Dupes (short for duplicates) are all the rage in the beauty world: drugstore versions of identical luxury products. But now, the concept has arrived to the world of flowers.
We asked recent brides to share their biggest money mistakes and — more importantly — what they would do differently today.
When looking to cut costs, always consider your venue. Here's how to manage expenses wherever you wed.
When my husband Michael and I first got engaged, we were overly confident that we could put together our wedding for way less than other couples we know had spent. However, when we started getting quotes from vendors and banquet halls, reality hit us; hard
Welcome to our latest installment of "Ask the Experts," where our contributor team of wedding planners solves readers' most pressing wedding-planning dilemmas
Celebrity designer Colin Cowie offers insider tips on creating elegant, affordable floral décor.
Keep your wedding costs from spiraling out of control with these savvy money-saving strategies.
Put yourselves on the right financial path with these tips from ING wedding finance expert Holly Kylen.