Whimsical DIY Wedding: Kimberly & Raymond in North Haledon, NJ
Kimberly and Raymond met through mutual friends with a little help from the gift store Kimberly owns, Wee Can Shop. “Ray was at his friend’s house having a few beers, and his friend passed him an item from my store to open it—a Hammer Bottle Opener,” said Kimberly. “A few weeks later, he came in to get himself a Hammer Bottle Opener and left with my phone number!”
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Kimberly and Raymond met through mutual friends with a little help from the gift store Kimberly owns, Wee Can Shop. “Ray was at his friend’s house having a few beers, and his friend passed him an item from my store to open it—a Hammer Bottle Opener,” said Kimberly. “A few weeks later, he came in to get himself a Hammer Bottle Opener and left with my phone number!”

Kimberly and her extremely talented mom made all of the bouquets. After seeing some photos online, Kimberly fell in love with the idea of a brooch bouquet... but not with the $600 price tag she was seeing on Etsy.