Get Toned for the Wedding: Easy At-Home Workouts

Be a buff bride with this workout created and modeled by Rachel Piskin, co-founder of ChaiseFitness.


Arms: Banded Plies

1.Take a low or medium-resistance exercise band and fold it in half, holding one end in each hand. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, with toes and legs turned out. Extend arms straight out in front of you at shoulder level.

Arms workout banded plies

2. Bend your knees as you extend your arms wide, keeping arms straight, and stretching the band as you go. Return to starting position. Do 2 sets of 20 reps. Focus on keeping shoulders down and your core engaged. “This move targets arms, plus glutes and thighs,” Piskin says.

Arms workout banded plies

Added Challenge: “Try raising your heels when you are in the bent-knee position,” suggests Piskin.

Abs: Ab Flattener 

1. Lie on a mat with your hands placed behind your head. Bend your legs as shown, with toes pointed; left toes touching the floor.

Ab workout ab flattener

2. Keeping both legs bent, raise head and upper back off the floor into a crunch position, as you bring left heel upward to meet the right leg, crossing at the ankles so that legs form a diamond shape. Release upper body and left leg back to starting position. Do 10 to 20 reps on each side, then repeat.

Ab workout ab flattener

“This exercise works not only the core, but also the inner and outer thighs, and glutes,” Piskin says.

 Glutes: Curtsy Arm Extensions

1. Place your left foot in the middle of a resistance band, with your leg and toe turned out, holding the ends of the band at your sides. Place your right leg behind you with the ball of your foot on the floor.

Glutes workout curtsy arm extension

2. Keeping arms straight, pull the band up and out as you bend both knees and lower straight down into a curtsy position, as shown. Return to starting position. Do 12-20 reps and repeat on opposite side. This move targets the glutes, along with arms, core and hamstrings.

Glutes workout curtsy arm extension

 Waist: Waist Whittler

1. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, toes forward, balls of feet on a resistance band. Hold one end of the band with your right hand, elbow against hip, bending slightly to the right, as shown.

Waist whittler workout

2. “Punch” right fist up toward ceiling, as you straighten at the waist, keeping elbow in line with fist.

Waist whittler workout

3. Straighten arm up and overhead, leaning slightly to the left. Return to start position. Do 10-15 reps on each side.

Waist whittler workout