Getting burned — literally — by some limes probably doesn't top your list of concerns for your bachelorette party. But one Florida bride-to-be learned that it's a very real possibility.
After her bachelorette party, where she and her friends enjoyed a boat ride with some margaritas, Erika Lotterhos noticed red marks on her legs that she attributed to sunburn. But two days later, those seemingly-harmless red marks had turned into serious blisters.
Since the marks were in a drip pattern, she traced it back to the margaritas — she knew some lime juice had dripped on her knees while they were blending the beverages. After doing some research online, she found out she'd developed Phytophotodermatitis, also known as ‘margarita burn.’
Dermatologist J. Matthew Knight explained, "It basically is like a sunburn, and when you have some sort of photosensitizer — in this case limes — followed by ultra violet A, it activates the substance, and you end up with a really bad sunburn-like reaction... We've see it a million times before. It has this particular pattern to it and we say, “Ah ha! You've been drinking limes.’ Or, ‘You’ve been drinking Coronas haven’t you?’"
Other photosensitizers to be careful about: Lemons, oranges, celery, fig, parsnips, parsley, carrots, dill, and perfumes.
The hyper-pigmentation can stick around for a few weeks. Luckily, this bride's burns will be covered by her gown! "I'm getting married in a month. I'm really thankful I'm wearing a long dress," said Lotterhos.
—Kristen Klein
Photo Credit: Alexandra Rowley on Santa Barbara Chic via
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