The Post-Wedding Step You Haven't Thought of Yet

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Photo Credit: Avava/iStockPhoto

One of the more annoying parts about changing your last name is finding a new personal email address to reflect it. With more than 425 million active users on Gmail and 281 million on Yahoo, there's a pretty good chance that your name is already taken. 

Back when Gmail was just a baby, I thought about registering for a second email address — my first name with my husband's last name. But since that was at least three years before he'd even proposed, I decided I'd better not jinx myself. I'm kicking myself now, though! When I tried registering for a new email address after the wedding, I basically had two options: add some numbers on the end, or make up some combination of my first, maiden, and last names.

But there's good news for Yahoo brides — they're purging unused accounts, meaning that your new name might become available! Sign up here to be put on the waiting list for your desired name. You can request up to five names and, if you're first in line for any of them, you'll receive an email to claim it in mid-August.

Tell us: Did you pre-register your new email address before the wedding?

—Kristen O'Gorman Klein