World War II-Inspired Army Engagement Photos

Megan and Vance met while serving as Captains in the United States Army and became engaged during their deployment to Afghanistan. Since the military played such a promiment role in their relationship, they knew they wanted to showcase it in their engagement photos. 

"We also knew that we wanted to do something out of the ordinary," said Megan. "Vance is a big collector of vintage American militaria, so we decided it would be fun to do the shoot in a WWII theme with a couple of uniforms that he had—I wore a Red Cross uniform, and he wore an Ike jacket from a family friend. Our photographer did an amazing job with the photos, creating a mood that played on 'leaving and coming home'—perfect for a couple who had just returned from deployment!"

Photography by Chugach Peaks Photography.

world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos world war ii patriotic army engagement photos