The Seven Deadly Bridal Sins

Bridezilla? I don't think so. Before you catch yourself in a jam, learn the seven behaviors that can get your bridal behind in trouble.

Sin #5: Blowing Your Wedding Budget

Photo Credit: Susan Stripling/Created by Sasha Souza Events

We talked with a recent bride who admits she got bitten by the wedding-planning bug when she got engaged. "I started out with a budget that took into account what my fiancé and I could pay, as well as gifts we were getting from our parents to help," she says. "It was plenty of money for a very nice wedding." So what happened? Whenever an item ended up costing a bit more than her budget allowed — like $200 extra for her gown or a few hundred more for better champagne — she went for it. But all those little expenses added up quickly—to an extra few thousand dollars that she ended up having to put on a credit card. "We were able to pay it off a month or two after the wedding, but it put a damper on the honeymoon," says Lisa. "Out of guilt, I didn't feel entitled to splurge at all, which was a shame." So make a budget, and stick to it — you don't want to start your marriage under a cloud of debt.

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