Would You Pay Someone to Write Your Thank You Notes?

One of the worst things about the wedding being over? Having to write 100+ thank you notes. It's not that we weren't grateful for the gifts—of course we were! But I'm pretty sure the last time I had to handwrite anything major was on my college exams. As a result, writing thank you notes was painful—literally. My hand cramped up after just 3 notes.

A lot of photographers offer pre-printed cards in their packages, but that's considered an etiquette no-no because it's not personalized. But we committed an etiquette faux pas anyway by taking more than 3 months to painstakingly write all of our notes.

Enter ThankThank Notes. For $3 per note, ThankThank Notes will handwrite, hand-address, stuff, stamp and mail your notes. All you need to do is type up the message to be included with each. You can even choose which type of handwriting you'd like so that it closely matches your own.

thankthank note

thank thank note


Is it cheating? Absolutely. But I can't say I wouldn't have been tempted by this. What I like: You still craft the message yourself; someone else is just physically writing it. I spent hours upon hours crafting the perfect thank you note for each person, typing up each note before taking pen to paper so that I could read and revise (and not have to handwrite over and over if I made a mistake). I think the notes still would've felt personal if I had then sent that document over to someone else to write it.

What do you think? Would you consider paying someone else to write your thank you notes?

—Kristen O'Gorman Klein

Photos courtesy of ThankThank Notes