Ask the Experts: "What Does the ++ in My Venue Contract Mean?"

Welcome to our latest installment of "Ask the Experts," where our contributor team of wedding planners solves readers' most pressing wedding-planning dilemmas! This week, Kristin Alexander from Esoteric Events and Tonia Adleta from Aribella Events decode wedding contract lingo. Do you have a question that you'd like to submit? Email [email protected] and we'll do our best to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Q. "What does the ++ after everything in the hotel contract mean?" — BG reader Lauren

Photo Credit: Samuel Lippke

Kristin Answers:

"The first '+' refers to sales tax and the second '+' refers to service, both of which are mandatory if your wedding is at a hotel. These costs can add up to around 30% of your final bill, so it’s critical to account for them from the beginning.

Tax is calculated by city, so be sure to check your local tax rates for this number if this info isn't listed in the contract. Service is typically 22%, but can range anywhere from 18%-22%. Don't confuse the service charge with gratuity. Service charges account for the hotel’s administrational overhead costs: time, maintenance, supplies, etc. All key to planning your wedding!

If these '++' have you worried that you’re going to blow your budget, don’t fret! You will not see any other service charges applied to any other invoices since most of your other vendors are services-oriented."

Tonia Answers:

"Most often when you see this in the contract, the venue is indicating that the number in front of the mysterious '++' is not necessarily guaranteed but rather expected to increase. For example, you’ll often see this in reference to tips and gratuities with a per-person catering contract. When not specifically identified with a pre-determined percentage for gratuity, the $XX++ indicates that a tip is expected but not included yet.

Another way that the '$XX++' might show up for you is when you are building a package from à la carte options or simply adding extra features or options to your contract. Every element you add, modify, etc. has the potential to increase or decrease your final spend, so approach each with a careful eye.

For example, we've had clients who host their weddings at a wide range of venues, including weekend events at historic mansions in which the bulk of the guests stayed on property. From adding fire pits for s’mores, lawn games, and dozens of wedding guests staying on property, incidental costs can rise quickly. (Side note: Always communicate clearly to your guests what they're responsible for and what you are covering for them. Not only will this eliminate confusion and possible misunderstandings but you also won’t have any surprises on the final bill of added guest-incurred costs you weren’t expecting.)

When you are building your budget, be sure to allow for a bit of a 'slush fund,' if you will; when possible, I love to see a solid 10% buffer. It will give you a peace of mind that you won’t have to sacrifice across the board in other categories to make up for a '++' situation just weeks before the wedding.

In reviewing contracts, go for direct and open communication from the very beginning. If you don’t understand something, ask questions. The more clear you are on what you are purchasing, the better you can plan the rest of your budget. Keep in mind that most wedding receptions count for 55+% of the overall wedding budget. And of course, this is where working with a trusted and reputable wedding planner will pay you dividends in peace of mind, clarity, and direction."

—Stefania Sainato

kristin alexander esoteric events


Kristin Alexander is the founder of Esoteric Events, a Southern California wedding and event planning company. A native Californian, lover of design and believer in the details, Kristin founded the company on the belief that all weddings should be one-of-a-kind because all couples are one-of-a-kind.



tonia adleta
Tonia Adleta, owner and creative director of the award-winning Aribella Events, has cultivated her passion for hospitality and design with over two decades of experience in the industry. Working with busy couples who have a desire to create a unique wedding experience for their guests, Tonia and her team make magic happen on a daily basis. Based in the Philadelphia area and serving clients the world over, Tonia paints the vista of special events with a fine detail brush, balancing intuition and knowledge, logistics and beauty.
Photo Credit: Sy Photography