My Favorite Travel Shoe: Toms

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It may be my job description to tell you where to travel, but did you know I’m also pretty well-versed in how to travel? A series of trails and fails and successes in my personal globe-hopping experiences makes it a little easier for you.


Check out the Sept/Oct issue (on newsstands now) of your fave bridal mag for some of my tips on booking the best excursion. And the next one has all you need to know about tipping.


In addition to those "i" dots and "t" crossing type subjects, I’ve also gathered a bunch of what-to-wear advice while on the road. I stash a bunch of jersey dresses in my carry-on and add scarves, heels and chunky costume jewelry at night. And during the day, I pretty much always wear Toms shoes. To say I’m obsessed could be considered and understatement.


jenna and mickey
Since I discovered these bad boys, I haven’t left home without them. Check out the picture to the right, from our latest issue, of me, Mickey Mouse, and my favorite Toms! The fact that they slip on make them TSA friendly and the mini-arch support is perfect for city touring. I’ve actually seen every country in Epcot, the top of Table Mountain in South Africa and the inner workings of a Peruvian llama farm while wearing some Toms shoes. Ditto for the beaches of Bora Bora, Los Angeles and Maine. But the best part of the shoes is that they are vegan, and for every pair you buy, a child in need gets one too.


Go to for more info. 


—Jenna Mahoney