Mystery Man Donates Wife's Wedding Dress: Read the Sweet Note He Left Behind

A vintage wedding dress donated to a charity thrift shop in England has attracted admirers from around the world — not because it's a rare designer find but because of the priceless meaning behind it.

mystery man donates wedding dressmystery man donates wedding dress

The staff at St Gemma's Hospice Charity Shop in Leeds was shocked to find a love letter attached to the lace peplum '50s gown. It read, "I wish any lady who takes this dress to have a life with her loved one, 56 years like I did, happy years. I was a lucky man to marry a lady like mine." What a heartwarming tribute to marriage!

love letter

In an effort to find the mystery man, they posted a call-out on Facebook. So many brides inquired about purchasing the "good luck" dress that they decided to put it up for auction on Ebay. As of publication, the bids were up to $850, and all proceeds will go towards providing hospice care for patients with terminal illness.

Earlier this morning, the charity announced that the search for the donor was over. He is "overwhelmed" with the international attention that his late wife's dress has generated and thinks it's wonderful, but "wishes to remain anonymous."

Photos courtesy of St Gemma's Hospice Charity Shops on Facebook

Plus, brides share What They Did With Their Dresses After the Wedding.

— Stefania Sainato