Kiss May Lead to Marriage in Shocking New Art Exhibit

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Can you recognize true love from just one kiss? At a new exhibit in the National Art Museum of Ukraine, five "sleeping beauties" have signed over their future to bet just that. In a modern reenactment of the classic fairytale, each woman takes turns sleeping on display (a total of two hours per day), allowing potential suitors to brush their lips against theirs.

But this isn’t just a peck-and-run — if a beauty opens her eyes during the smooch and awakens from her slumber, she must marry that person. Both parties sign a contract in advance, and contrary to other media reports, the kisser can be either male or female, as long as they’re single and over 18 years old. Visitors who are married or don’t wish to participate are permitted to observe, as long as they sign an agreement promising not to kiss.

UPDATE: "My inspiration for the exhibit was this idea of true love— the magic people feel between themselves, which sometimes ends up in making babies, which are the continuation of life. And if you really think about it, what else is more important than the continuity of life? I mean, everything else pales in comparison. The viewers take from it what they take," said the creator, Taras Polataiko, an Ukranian-Canadian artist.

Despite the initial concern that no one would have the courage to take part in such an experiment, numerous crazies kissers have stepped up to the podium since the show’s opening on August 22. After his unsuccessful attempt, one man told The Telegraph that, "I wanted to sense her essence...I didn’t even want to see her. I wanted to feel that girl, I wanted to feel her with my heart, but I didn’t feel anything." 

As for the beauties, they’re willing to subject themselves to the ultimate form of vulnerability — "what if it’s the only way I’ll meet my soul mate?" one said. If it’s not meant to be, then they’ll just keep their eyes shut. We'll just have to wait until the show’s end on September 9 to find out how the story unfolds!

— Stefania Sainato