Join Our Twitter Party!

We hope you're enjoying our  exclusive sale with The Aisle New York, which runs until Feb. 9! Join our Twitter Party on February 2 from 2 - 3 pm (EST) to chat  live with style experts at The Aisle and Angel Sanchez, along with our Fashion Editor Naima DiFranco. Get styling tips for your new purchases, select the best bridal look for your personality, and more.

Follow these easy steps to join the conversation:

1. Sign in to Tweetchat, where you will log in with your Twitter account or create one if you don't have a username yet.

2. At the top of the screen, type in "#bridechat" for the hashtag. On Twitter, the pound sign "#" (referred to as a hashtag) tags a specific topic and connects you with other people who are chatting about the same subject. Once you hit the "Go" button, you'll be able to see tweets from all of the other participants in the party.

3. Each tweet that you send from Tweetchat will automatically get the "#bridechat" hashtag added to the end of it. The chat room auto-updates, so get your texting thumbs ready—responses will show up quickly on the site, so keep your eyes peeled so you don't miss anything!

— Stefania Sainato