I Object...

So, you're not crazy about your best friends boyfriend and you’re not particularly shy about telling her (or him for that matter). However, when it comes to fiancés girls, there are boundaries.

Take this bridesmaid for example, who may or may not have crossed the line—you tell me!

With the ability to communicate via text message, bbm and email we tend to avoid actually using the phone or even worse having to confront someone in person. When faced with an important situation; however, we think we’d go the more personal route. Here, a bridesmaid tells her friend that she's backing out of her bridal party. This is what the email said and we’re shocked:

I'm sorry this is coming to you in email form but I need to get my thoughts to you clearly and this is the best way for me to do it. Please read what I have to say and after you've had time to think, we can talk about it in person if you want.

When you first asked me to be a part of the wedding, my gut reaction was to say no and I should have listened to myself. I feel very strongly that you shouldn't marry [Future Groom] and these feelings are only intensifying as the wedding approaches. [Future Bride], in good conscience, I cannot be a part of your wedding - I feel I would be doing both of us a disservice by standing up for you and bringing my negative energy to your wedding day.

I know this is shocking for you, but again, in my heart, I cannot do this. These feelings are also affecting me in a very negative way, the full extent of which didn't become clear to me until I had a healing session with [new age spiritual healer] yesterday. I couldn't dodge the feeling that I needed to see her yet I wasn't clear why I felt I had to. In the end, I was left with two choices - either go through with participating in the wedding with a change in attitude or bow out as gracefully as possible. Click here to continue reading.

Let’s take a moment, step back and not judge. It’s definitely important to let a friend know how you’re feeling about the person she’s going to spend the rest of her life with. This is because you care about her and want the best for her. This isn’t because you don’t get along with her fiancé. Also, there are appropriate ways to do this none of which are via email.

We do have to give her a little credit—she managed to do this privately and before the wedding rather than during the ceremony! "I object..."

What do you think?

--Samantha Corbin