Babies & Bridal: Welcome Our Fashion Editor

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Hi! I’m the new girl here in the BG fashion department. Naima, the one and only BG fashion and beauty editor, is out on maternity leave with her new baby Grace! Her little bundle of joy arrived on Feb. 23rd and is so adorable. I can’t wait to meet her in person!




Naima's baby Grace
Born on 2/23/12 at 6:25pm
7 lb 10 oz. 20.5 inches




To make a long story short, I am filling in for Naima until she returns in May. But I am no stranger to Bridal Guide. I was the Creative Director here for a long time but have been gone for several years now while Mary Cate has been so wonderfully running the show in the art department. Like Naima, my baby was born while I was on staff at Bridal Guide.




Here’s my baby, Jacob
Born 11 years ago while I was here at BG





So, I’m happy to be back and reporting to you about all the newest gowns from Chicago and NewYork Bridal Markets and putting together the September/October issue of Bridal Guide. Lots of great products and accessories come into our office that I would just love to tell you about, so stay tuned…

—Robin Zachary