Standing Up to Cancer: Mom's Inspiring "Wedding"

Netis Negron recently fulfilled her lifelong dream of dressing up as a beautiful bride. The 36-year-old mom from Avondale, Arizona, feared this day would never come; not only because her cancer had spread to her bones, but also because she didn't have a groom. Her family members, friends and community rallied together to throw a wedding shoot in her honor. It served as a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, love is capable of performing extraordinary things.

"I don’t want people to see this as a fake wedding," Netis explained to Good Morning America. "It was a celebration of life. It was an amazing experience, a symbol for hope and faith. I was with family, friends and complete strangers that I now call friends, and I wouldn’t change that for the world."

The idea came to light in February, when she asked close friend (and photographer) Laura Gordillo if she could take photos of her trying on wedding dresses at a local bridal shop. "Once I found out the cancer was back [Netis was first diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago], I wanted to give her something more than that! I wanted her to feel like a queen for a day. I envisioned a beautiful setting and Netis in a gorgeous gown with her hair and makeup done, posing for photos with her three sons, mom and sister. We never imagined her little idea would become something way more than that!" Laura told BG.

See the sweet photos here:

wedding shoot wedding shootwedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shootwedding shoot
wedding shoot wedding shootwedding shootwedding shootwedding shoot wedding shoot wedding shootwedding shoot

Once word spread about Laura's mission, donations began flooding in: nearly 20 gowns were procured for the special occasion, along with flowers, and a castle served as a venue!

"I was overwhelmed by the amount of love and support. I received so many calls and messages from strangers wanting to help in any way possible — some even wanted just to be there to help carry my gear. It warmed my heart to know there were so many selfless people willing to do anything to help make one of Netis' wishes possible," Laura said.

The most exciting part was when they informed Netis that she could keep her dress and accessories. She was thrilled to pass these keepsakes along to her children, along with the photos from the shoot so that they can incorporate her memory into their weddings, someday.

"I can’t express how short life is and how important it is," Negron said. "When you’re sick, you see life differently. I think everybody should see life like that. They shouldn’t wait until bad times when it’s too late. Live life to the fullest, like it’s the last day, because you just never know."

—Stefania Sainato