This Amazing DIY Wedding Dress Only Cost $30

Prepare to feel a little bit guilty about using your morning commute to sleep (or play Candy Crush): Redditor alkikat took advantage of that idle time to make herself this gorgeous wedding gown:

diy crochet wedding dress

Over the course of about five months, she spent her daily bus rides crocheting the lace gown, using a pattern she designed with standard pineapple stitch.

diy crochet wedding dress

She writes, "My commute time couldn't be used for anything else anyway. The dress is also machine washable (I've washed it several times), doesn't wrinkle or need any special care, and I plan on wearing it again with linings of different colors and with the train bustled up in different ways."

diy crochet wedding dress

Here's a stop-motion video of her progress:

—Kristen Klein