Groom Guest Blog: What a Wedding REALLY Costs

Hi BG Brides. My name is Jason and I am lucky enough to be engaged to the beautiful Stefania, the Web Producer at Bridal Guide. While checking out her blog, I thought it might be interesting to give some insight into the wedding-planning process from the groom's perspective. I'm currently getting my doctorate, so studying is my full-time job, which makes it impossible to hold down a 9-to-5. I thought saving up for an engagement ring was difficult—fellas, it's a mere fraction of what your total wedding will cost, and the knee-shaking feeling you get when proposing is peanuts compared to signing wedding contracts!

The cost of the wedding really began to hit me once we started looking at different venues. Living in Brooklyn allowed us to look at venues throughout the five boroughs of NYC, plus Long Island and New Jersey. When we visited the first hall, the place was absolutely stunning: It also had a pricetag to match. As we looked at other venues (photos of our 10+ road trips, coming soon!), I realized that sticker shock is the norm and picking a place was going to take up much more of our total budget than I initially thought.

Here's the good news: At the beginning of the wedding-planning process, I came in with the attitude of  “Whatever my bride-to-be wants; it's her special day."  I wanted to be involved, but I never thought I would become so opinionated and invested. I found myself being very critical of all the venues, to the point where my fiancée would tell me that I was going a bit overboard! All I want is for her to have the wedding of her dreams and find a hall as perfect and classy as she is. 

In order to make your vision come true, examine your current spending habits and start small. Funds you would have spent on birthday gifts and just-because trinkets get put into the we're-getting-married fund. Cut back on three-course dinners at your fave little corner restaurant (with the exception of a Groupon night here or there) and learn how to cook together. Buying lunch at work can cost up to $10 a day, so you can save $500 a year just by bringing in leftovers. This $500 might not seem like a lot, but every dollar helps when saving up for a wedding. Your bride is worth it, isn’t she?


—Jason DeGenaro


(Editor's Note: Isn't JD sweet?? Some of his comments made me blush, but I didn't edit them out for the sake of journalistic integrity.)